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Typical "I miss study abroad but will survive" Post

Okay, so if you still keep up with this….omg thank you. I apologize for the delay in post. As you can imagine, leaving Australia, having Christmas vacation, moving back to DC, and getting into a schedule with normal classes again can be hard! ….And it's okay that I haven’t been perfect in my responsibilites. I’m human, right? :) #SelfCareIn2k16WHADDUPLovingMyselfInThisReallyLongHashtagOMGMyGenerationIsScrewedHashtagMillenials

Fret not! I’ve been consistent in my reflection of transitioning back into the “Land of the free and home of the brave” Yes--the weather sucks compared to there. Yes--I made friends (Miss yall!). And no--I didn’t bring you a koala back. Fun fact: they actually have a bad case of gonorrhea. But honestly, I wish I had a thought bubble floating above my head to reveal my thoughts. It’d be the easiest way to show everyone how much I think about life in the land down under…

For memory sake, I’ll throw in here that this is one semester where all of my classes seem pretty cool to take. Rarity? Rarity. Also, note that I have really great friends! It’s mostly been tough trying to keep down the anxiety of reconnecting and disconnecting with friends from two drastically different lifestyles. Basically imagine me as the energy that travels through a pendulum, and my two lives of DC and Australia are on opposite spectrums. Quick. Guaranteed to return. A lot of shit in between. But I’ll get through it. Plus, a wise prophet once said, “Upon all thy array of Earth’s pendulums, there lurks an idiot human to come hither to marvel and disturb thy pendulum’s energetic motion.” I can’t exactly tell you where that quote is from, but I will tell you it makes a good parallel to how my reverse culture shock is constant and consistely interrupted by the dialy interaction with most people. Bitter, hey?

Lastly, I want to throw some literary love to my favorite podcast, “Another Round: with Heben & Tracy”. They're under BuzzFeed. Post-Australia, I have this new wave of interest in all things Black entertainment. While I was away, connecting with black media was the main way I stayed sain and connected back home. One of which ways I do this is by both laughing and crying along to Heben & Tracy talk about black pop-culture, experiences, and daily feminism milestones and not so milestones. Most shows have a celebrity guest speaker who is usually a black icon in a certain industry. And the best part…..they drink during the entire show! To end the show, they buy a figurative round for whatever is on their heart. Past round winners have been wallets, having self care, and even a cheese bar! Check it out on your iPhone Podcast app or Soundcloud. Ayyeee!!!

Here I am after I RANDOMLY ran into them as they were walking into the White House for an interveiw. So yeah, life isn’t too bad. I’m interested to see where this blog takes you and me since I’ve returned. Maybe I’ll give creative story telling a try? Maybe cover pieces? Whatever it may be, you’ll be the first to know. Thank you again for your interest!


As my time in the land down under comes to a close, I hope to continue to experince it as much as possible!


Any contribution helps & is appreciated! Contact me with more details on how to donate!!

Quote of the Week:


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."


-Jim Ryuh



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